Chasing the Signal is the start of the Foundry series, the short story WHICH inspired it all.

What listeners have said about Chasing the Signal (The Foundry Series 0.5):

"...Chasing the Signal packs a lot into a short space. Fast paced and with a moving family drama at its heart, we are introduced to three generation of one family..." - AT

"You know you've enjoyed a book when you feel it ended too soon! Looking. Forward to the continuation of her story." - GJ

"It's the kind of story that made me fall in love with SciFi years ago. Written with imagination, excellent characterization, wieldiness with words and above all, heart, Chasing The Signal isn't missing a thing." - AC

"In a word—solid." - Y

"Loved it! Such an imaginative story with a future for more! Can’t wait to see more!" - CM